Selected Research Grants, Honours and Awards
Trinity College (University of Melbourne) Oak Leaf Award for Services to Higher Education (2022)
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (2022-27)
Marie-Curie FCFP Senior Fellowship, FRIAS (Oct-Dec 2021)
Rachel Carson Center Fellowship (Sept-Dec 2020)
Participant in LUCE-funded research network, based at Duke University, on ‘Facing the Anthropocene’ (2018-20).
Marie Curie FCFP Senior Fellowship and Alexander von Humboldt (return) Fellowship, Freiburg Institute of Advanced Study (June-December 2015).
Monograph Dancing with Disaster: Environmental Histories, Narratives, and Ethics for Perilous Times (2015) Awarded Choice Outstanding Academic Title from American Library Association
AHRC Caring for the Future (Early Career Researcher) grant, ‘Troubled Waters, Stormy Futures: Heritage in Times of Accelerated Climate Change’ (International Co-Investigator; 2014-2016; £45,000).
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, ‘Imagining the Great South Land: Utopia, Dystopia and Science Fiction in Australia’ (Co-Investigator; 2007-09; £280,000).
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, ‘Demanding the Impossible: Utopianism in Literature, Philosophy and Science Fiction’ (Co-Investigator; 2005-08; £180,000).
Elected Fellow, Australian Academy of the Humanities (2005-)