Talks (2019 – present)
22/01/2025 “Linguistic Discourse Analysis on Sustainability and Climate Futures: an Applied Linguistic Approach meets Environmental Humanities [Linguistische Diskursanalyse zu Nachhaltigkeit und Klimazukunft: Angewandte Linguistik meets Environmental Humanities]” invited talk, Villa Vigoni, Como, Italy.
18/01/2025 “Climate Imaginaries on Social Media” invited talk at the 18th HEE-Winter Meeting Charting Pathways to Planetary Health: Ecology, Education, and Economics, University of Cologne & online.
26/11/2024 “Sprachliche Praktiken der Zukunftsgestaltung und -bewältigung. Ein kulturlinguistischer Blick auf die Liste”, talk at the University of Koblenz.
09/10/2024 “Let’s Talk About Prediction – And What We Learn from the Media Discourse”, talk at the 34th AEC, CICG, Geneva.
10/09/2024 “Early Detection, Prediction or Risk Estimation? Linguistic Practices and Bioethic Controversies”, invited talk at the conference Zur Debatte: Bioethik Kontroversen. Sprachliche philosophische und historische Aspekte, University of Marburg.
05/06/2024 “Language and Pain: Linguistic and Interdisciplinary Perspectives”, invited talk at the Lecture Series New Medical Humanities, University of Cologne.
04/06/2024 “Climate Imaginaries – Climate Change, Future Imaginaries and Positioning in Social Media”, invited talk at the Linguistic Colloquium, University Duisburg-Essen.
02/02/2024 “Multimodal Ensembles – #climate change”, invited talk at the University of Bremen.
02/02/2024 “Argumentative Strategies – Substantiality Communication as Discourse Contribution”, invited talk at the University of Bremen.
24/01/2024 “Linguistic Discourse Analysis and Sustainability Communication” invited talk as part of the pragmatics lecture (P. Steen) at the University of Koblenz.
12/01/2024 “Culture-policy climate spaces of COP28: multimodal cross-platform analysis in TikTok, Instagram and Twitter (X)”, Data sprint with presentation and report, DMI24, University Amsterdam (W. Pearce, J. Omena, Y. Yao, C. Schwegler, J. Visser, J. Landschoff, L. Rommel).
30/10/2023 “Meta-linguistic and Terminological Differentiations in Risk Communication” talk at the 71. Arbeitskreis Angewandte Gesprächsforschung (AAG), Cologne.
21/10/2023 “Risk Education and Counseling. Communicative Practices and Challenges” talk at the 7th conference of the International Network Health Communication, Hamburg.
12/10/2023 “Climate Futures in Multimodal Social Media Discourse: A Linguistic Perspective on the Modelling Character of Multimodal Ensembles” talk at the conference Contemporary Societies in Digital Discourse (ADDA 4) 2023 (with J. Landschoff, J. Hoydis and the CCM Consortium), Klagenfurt, Austria.
19/07/2023 “Dementia Risk Prediction, Counselling, and Autonomous Decision Making. Affordances and Challenges of Risk Communication”, talk at the AILA World Congress 2023, Panel Researching Helping Professions for (Applied) Linguistic and Practical Purposes (Fleischhacker, Dionne), Lyon, France.
18/07/2023 “Exploring Narrative Identity via Linguistic Positioning in the Context of Alzheimer’s Dementia Risk Prediction – an Ethical and Linguistic Analysis”, poster presentation at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2023 (presenter: C. Hübner), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
13/07/2023 “Knowledge Management in Counselling on Dementia Risk Prediction”, talk at the 18th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Panel Practices of Knowledge Management in Helping Interactions (Kabatnik, Graf, Spranz-Fogasy), Brussels, Belgium.
04/04/2023 “Interview Research across Disciplines. Experiences from Anthropology and Applied Linguistics”, talk with Sinah Kloss at the University of Cologne.
30/03/2023 “Linguistic Discourse Analysis of Online Sustainability Communication” [“Linguistische Diskursanalyse von online-Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation”], invited workshop/lezione aperta as part of the master course Strategie comunicative della lingua tedesca, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia, Italia.
16/12/2022 “Climate Change Demands and Argumentative Sustainability Strategies. Discourse Linguistics in the Environmental Humanities” [“Klimaschutzappelle und argumentative Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien. Diskurslinguistik in den Environmental Humanities”], talk at the University of Bremen.
02/11/2022 Panel Discussion: “Can the World Still Be Saved? Communicative Strategies and Framing in Climate Discourse” [“Ist die Welt noch zu retten? Kommunikative Strategien und Framing im Klimadiskurs”], at the Berlin Science Week, organised by the Interdisciplinary Centre European Languages (FU Berlin) in cooperation with the Dahlem Humanities Center.
31/07/2022 “Understanding Counseling Challenges of Dementia Risk Prediction through Discourse-linguistic Approaches – the Media Perspective of the PreTAD Study”, poster presentation at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2022 (San Diego).
02/06/2022 “Acting for the Future vs. Acting in the Future. Discourse Linguistic Perspectives on Sustainability Demands in Economy and Society” [“Handeln für die Zukunft vs. Handeln in der Zukunft. Diskurslinguistische Perspektiven auf Nachhaltigkeitsappelle in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft”], invited talk as part of the lecture series Communicating Climate Change (University Duisburg-Essen, University of Cologne), Programme Flyer.
24/03/2022 “Climate Action Now vs. Eco-Leadership by 2030. Discursive Sustainability Demands and Their Economic Resonance” [“Climate Action Now vs. Öko-Leadership bis 2030. Diskursive Nachhaltigkeitsappelle und ihre wirtschaftliche Resonanz”], invited talk/lezione aperta as part of the master course Strategie comunicative della lingua tedesca (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia, Italia).
04/03/2022 “Empraxis or Object of Anxiety? Body-Related Actions in Helping Interactions” [“Empraxis oder Angstobjekt? Das Thematisieren von körperbezogenen Handlungen in helfenden Interaktionen”], talk at the conference Anwendungen – Eingriffe – Pflege(n) (Network Gesundheitskommunikation). University of Hamburg/online (with Susanne Kabatnik).
22/10/2021 “The Predictive Turn in Medicine and its Impact on Language and Society” [“Der Predictive Turn in der Medizin und seine Auswirkungen auf Sprache und Gesellschaft”], invited talk for the assistant professorship in German Discourse and Interactional Linguistics, shortlisted), University of Bern.
17/09/2021 “Prospective Communication and the Argument of Future Generations. Sustainability Communication Between Reporting and Social Media Discourse” [“Prospektive Kommunikation und das Argument der (zu)künftigen Generationen. Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation zwischen Berichtswesen und Social Media-Diskurs”], talk at the conference GAL 2021 (Würzburg, online).
09/09/2021 “Cognitive Impairment in the Continuum of Alzheimer’s Dementia From the Pre-Caregiver’s Perspective” [“‘Jetzt sag ich mal ganz salopp, dass meine Frau nicht mehr normal ist’ Kognitive Einschränkungen im Kontinuum der Alzheimer-Demenz aus der Perspektive des sogenannten Pre-Caregivers”], talk at the conference Normvorstellungen, Normalität(en) und Normativität – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das ‘Normale’ in der Medizin. University of Münster.
14/06/2021 “Linguistic Practices and Intersubjectivity in Predictive Coundelling” [“Sprachliche Praktiken im Alzheimer-Prädiktionsberatungsgespräch. Intersubjektiver Abgleich der Perspektiven beim Einstieg in eine komplexe Thematik”], invited talk with data session as part of the lecture series Intersubjektivität. Germanistisches Institut/CeSI, University of Münster. Summer Term 2021.
01/06/2021 “ELSA of Neuroscience – Interdisciplinary Health Research at ceres. The Projects iCare-PD and PreTAD” [“ELSA of Neuroscience – Interdisziplinäre Gesundheitsforschung bei ceres. Die Projekte iCare-PD und PreTAD”], invited talk as part of the lecture series Neurosciences. University of Cologne. Summer Term 2021 (with Johanne Stümpel).
20/01/2021 “An Ethical Framework for Information, Counseling and Understanding – Biomarkerbased Prediction of Alzheimer’s Dementia”, invited talk as part of the Keio-Cologne Lecture Series Aging, Medicine and Society – Understanding, Shaping, Managing Longevity, Winter Term 2020/21, Cologne/Tokio.
04/12/2020 “Religious Transcendence Concepts in Very Old Age” [“Transzendenzkonzepte im hohen Alter”], talk at the 4. Arbeitstagung Religionslinguistik. 4–5 December 2020, Berlin, Heidelberg/online (with Wolf-Andreas Liebert).
06/12/2019 “Linguistic Practices and Ecological Sustainability” [“Sprachliche Praktiken um ökologische Nachhaltigkeit”], invited talk at the Abschlussveranstaltung des DBU Stipendienprogramms 2018/2019. 6 December 2019, German Federal Environmental Foundation, Osnabrück.
01/10/2019 “Sustainability in the Sustainability Reports? Arguments, Values, and Communicative Strategies” [“Nachhaltigkeit im Nachhaltigkeitsbericht? Argumente, Werte und kommunikative Strategien”], talk at the 19. Sprache und Wissen Tagung Natur – Kultur – Mensch. Sprachliche Praktiken um ökologische Nachhaltigkeit. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Heidelberg.
03/09/2019 “Prediction of Alzheimer’s Dementia and its Impact on Quality of Life. Ethical Questions and Implications for Practice” [“Die Alzheimer-Vorhersage und ihre Auswirkung auf die Lebensqualität von Betroffenen. Ethische Fragen und Implikationen für die Praxis”], invited talk at the conference Konfliktfall Demenzvorhersage: Chancen und Risiken der Demenzvorhersage – Wie gestalten wir die zukünftige Praxis? 6 September 2019, Bochum.
31/05/2019 “Future Generations as Argument in Environmental-ethical Conflicts” [“Das Argument „(zu-)künftige Generationen“ in umweltethischen Konflikten”], invited talk, Institute for Philosophy, University of Koblenz-Landau.
28/03/2019 “Risk!? Persons at High Risk between Health and Illness. A Linguistic Perspective on a Complex Concept” [“Risiko!? Die Hochrisikoperson zwischen Gesundheit und Krankheit. Ein linguistischer Blick auf ein komplexes Konzept”], talk at the conference of the DFG-network Linguistik und Medizin. 27–29 March 2019, Paderborn.
Conferences, Panels, and Workshops (2019 – present)
2025 – MESHworks Workshop “Ecolinguistic Data Session: A Workshop on Positive Discourse Analysis, Ecosophy, and Climate Imaginaries on Instagram” (with J. Landschoff & A. Stibbe) at the University of Cologne.
2024 – Studientag “Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus der Linguistik” (in cooperation with A. Mattfeldt and P. Reszke, University of Bremen)
2023 – ZiF AG Conference “Language and Pain” [“Sprache und Schmerz: Medizin und sprachbezogene Wissenschaften im Dialog”], ZiF (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung) Bielefeld 5–6 May 2023 (organised by Carolin Schwegler, Scott Stock Gissendanner & Gerhard Schmid-Ott).
2023 – Interdisciplinary Workshop “Language and Pain in Public Discourse: Everyday Knowledge between Media Framing and Medical Journalistic Transmission of Information” [“Sprache und Schmerz im öffentlichen Diskurs: Alltagswissen zwischen medialem Framing und medizinjournalistischer Informationsvermittlung”], at the conference Language and Pain, Bielefeld, ZiF, 6 May 2023 (with Theresa Schnedermann).
2021 – AILA Panel “Experiencing Illness and Disease. Putting Perceptions and Emotions into Language”, Groningen/digital, 19 August 2021 (organised with Daniel Knuchel; keynotes: Elena Semino and Saskia Jünger).
2019 – Workshop “Sustainability: Contrastivity, and Visuality” [“Nachhaltigkeit: Kontrastivität und Bildlichkeit”] of the Language and Knowledge-platform for graduate research trainees as part of the Konferenz Natur – Kultur – Mensch. Sprachliche Praktiken um ökologische Nachhaltigkeit, University Heidelberg, 30 September 2019 (with Michael Bender and Katharina Jacob).
2019 – Workshop “Sustainability, Language, and Economy” [“Nachhaltigkeit, Sprache und Wirtschaft”] at the 19. Sprache und Wissen Tagung Natur – Kultur – Mensch. Sprachliche Praktiken um ökologische Nachhaltigkeit. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Heidelberg, 2 October 2019 (with Sandra Reimann).
2019 – Conference “Nature – Culture – Human. Linguistic Practices and Ecological Sustainability” [“Natur – Kultur – Mensch. Sprachliche Praktiken um ökologische Nachhaltigkeit”], event of the research network Sprache und Wissen (University Heidelberg)
Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 30 September–2 October 2019 (organised by Dr. Anna Mattfeldt, Dr. Carolin Schwegler und Prof. Dr. Berbeli Wanning).
Conference Report: Vanessa Münch, ZGL 2020; 48(3): 637–645 ( 2016).