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Carolin Schwegler is postdoctoral researcher at MESH and the Department of German Linguistics and Literature 1. She is a linguist focussing on pragmatics, in particular mulitmodal discourse and conversation analysis. She understands her discipline as an applied and culturally oriented research field with ample multidisciplinary links.

Carolin holds a Master’s Degree in German Studies and Philosophy as well as a doctorate in German Linguistics (summa cum laude) from the University of Heidelberg. In her thesis, she investigated the development of argumentation strategies between 1992 and 2014 concerning climate, nature, and sustainability. She analysed German public media as well as sustainability reports of multinational companies in order to evaluate rhetorical patterns, the transformation of public values, and influential factors in discourse.

Her current linguistic research focuses on communicative practices of (climate- and health-related) prediction, risk, and prognosis, future-oriented language, and prospective communication. Carolin’s thematic research interests concern sustainability, risk, and disaster communication, future imaginaries, future generations, green tourism, language and pain, and sociolinguistic perspectives on plant studies.

As a postdoctoral researcher, she is engaged in various publication projects in linguistic pragmatics as well as in the fields of environmental and medical humanities and cooperates in international interdisciplinary projects: With funding from the European Research Network NEURON, for instance, she investigates communicative practices in the context of the predictive turn (PreTAD, 2021–2024). Furthermore, Carolin is co-investigator and subproject leader in the international and interdisciplinary projects CCM (Cultural Climate Models, funded by the AHRC/DFG/FWF 2023–2026) and HESCOR (Cultural Evolution in Changing Climate: Human and Earth System Coupled Research, funded by the Ministry for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia 2023–2026).




Third-Party Funded Projects and Research Collaborations

Just Futures? An Interdisciplinary Approach to Cultural Climate Models (CCM)

Cultural Evolution in Changing Climate: Human and Earth System Coupled Research (HESCOR)

PreTAD – The Predictive Turn in Alzheimer’s Disease: Ethical, Clinical, Linguistic and Legal Aspects

Practices of Prediction and Prognosis | Linguistic Analysis of Prospective Communication

Multispecies Conviviality and Linguistic Performance of Knowledge and Authority

Contact: carolin.schwegler[at]uni-koeln.de
Office: Weyertal 59, Wienand building, 3rd floor, room 3.7

For further information on research projects, teaching, and publications (including full-text versions), please visit: www.carolinschwegler.com
