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Roman Bartosch is Professor of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures and the Teaching of English at the Department of English II. His background is in literary and cultural theories and the environmental humanities and he works on education for sustainability and resilience, inter- and transcultural learning, and inclusive education. Roman Bartosch is also Speaker of the University of Cologne’s central Competence Area (CA IV) Cultures and Societies in Transition, Board Member of the Global South Studies Center (GSSC), and Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Teaching in the Humanities (IFDG). 

Currently, Roman Bartosch is working on concepts of literacy and the role of literary fiction in education for climate action as well as the role of dissent and controversy in culture-sensitive and inclusive educational settings. He is also interested in questions of educational philosophy, especially in terms of modelling learning objectives in times of large-scale extinction and climate catastrophe. Furthermore, he has worked on questions of literary value, the intersection of literary studies and literature pedagogy, and multimodal literature and media pedagogies. 



Contact: roman.bartosch[at]uni-koeln.de

Select Publications

  • (with Stephanie Fuchs) The worst is yet to come: Theoretical and Empirical Findings on Mental Health in a Climate-changed World. Mental Health in English Language Education. Eds. Christian Ludwig et al. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2024. 61-73.
  • (with Julia Hoydis & Jens Martin Gurr). Climate Change Literacy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
  • (as editor) Cultivating Sustainability in Language and Literature Pedagogy: Steps to an Educational Ecology. London/New York: Routledge, 2021.
  • Multispecies Fictions: Love and Loss Beyond the Human in Zakes Mda’s The Whale Caller (2005) and Henrietta Rose-Innes’s Green Lion (2015). The Anglophone Novel in the Twenty-First-Century. Cultural Contexts – Literary Developments – Model Interpretations. Eds. Nadia Butt, Alexander Scherr & Ansgar Nünning. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2023. 185-200.
  • (mit Dany Adone, Julia Hoydis, Kirk Junker, Shamita Kumar & Kate Rigby) Zukunftsgestaltungskompetenz im Angesicht der Katastrophe: Ecological literacy als mehrdimensionale Herausforderung. Futures Literacy. Zukunft lernen und lehren (Pädgogik für Niederösterreich 13). Eds. Carmen Sippl, Gerhard Brandhofer & Erwin Rauscher. Innsbruck/Wien: Studienverlag, 2023. 111-122.