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Cultural Evolution in Changing Climate: Human and Earth System Coupled Research (HESCOR)

Eco-critical Literacy in Musical and Literary Practices of Arts Education (EcoLit)

Just Futures? An Interdisciplinary Approach to Cultural Climate Models (CCM)

Socioecological Collapse, Crises and Strategic Resilience in Egypt and Lebanon

This Slippery World: Figurations of Disaster and the Island Kataragman in the Visayan Pacific

Disaster Preparedness through Climate Change Literacy using multimedia Textures for people with intellectual disabilities

Multispecies Conviviality and Linguistic Performance of Knowledge and Authority

Practices of Prediction and Prognosis | Linguistic Analysis of Prospective Communication

SFB/TRR 228 | Future Rural Africa. Future-making and social-ecological transformation

Volatile Waters and the Hydrosocial Anthropocene in Major River Deltas (DELTA)
