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WiSe 2024/25

Erasmus+ Listicles as cultural & digital practices| Strategie comunicative della lingua tedesca (Lombardi/Schwegler)

KinderUni | Ups, das hab‘ ich gar nicht bemerkt! – Wie Gedichte uns die Welt zeigen (Gallano/Gautam & Klandt)

Watching the World Burn: War and Climate in the End Times (Malin/Bartosch)

SoSe 2024

Economy beyond Economics | Anthropological Perspectives on Value (Krause/Bruckermann)

Anthropology as Citizen Science | Engaging with Pollution and Toxicity (Lange)

Erasmus+ Sustainability Communication | Strategie comunicative della lingua tedesca (Lombardi/Schwegler)

WiSe 2023/24

Monstrous Growth: Young Adult Fiction and the Vegetal Imagination (Dederichs)

Linguistic Discourse Analysis in the Environmental Humanities (Schwegler)

SoSe 2023

The Intersectionality of Colonial Violence and Environmental Crises (Lange)
